- Academics
- Advanced Placement
- Career & Technical Education Pathways
- Health
- Language Arts
- Leadership
- Mathematics
- Physical Education
- Science
- Social Science
- Support Services
- Visual & Performing Arts
- World Languages
- Multi-Tiered System of Supports
"Writing and understanding Literature is perhaps the greatest accomplishment man can achieve, as it is the secret to gaining Knowledge."
- Walt Whitman

Our department prides itself on meeting all of our students’ needs. We teach to the standards and assess students’ mastery of the standards through Essential Skills Assessments which test taught skills students need to succeed in the academic world. Since each grade level utilizes the same Essential Skills Assessments, we are confident that each student receives essentially the same instruction, and they are held to the same high standard of achievement. This allows us to develop a progression of instruction which builds on the skills taught at each level.
We collaborate to continually revise our curriculum to better meet our students’ needs and confirm that our assessments are current and effective. Our goal is to inspire avid readers, critical thinkers, and effective communicators who are prepared for success in college.
Course List
- Language Arts I/Advanced
- Language Arts II/Advanced
- Language Arts III/Honors
- CSU ERWC / Expository Reading and Writing
- AP Literature and Composition
- Creative Writing
Staff List
Staff List
Kateyn Alstot | kalstot@rocklinusd.org | Lit 10 H |
Ali Cameron | acameron@rocklinusd.org | Creative Writing, LA/Com I |
Emilie Cavolt | ecavolt@rocklinusd.org | AP Eng/Lang Com, SEL Coordinator, Mindfulness |
Christina Cooney | ccooney@rocklinusd.org | CSU ERWC, LA/Com III |
Jennifer Davis | jdavis@rocklinusd.org | LA/Com III |
Tiffiny Feuerbach | tfeuerbach@rocklinusd.org | ELD, LA/Com II H |
Patrick Gale | pgale@rocklinusd.org | AP Eng Lit/Comp, CSU ERWC |
Meredith Kane | mkane@rocklinusd.org | LA/Com I, LA/Com III |
Kathleen Phillips | kphillips@rocklinusd.org | LA/Com I, LA/Com II |
Thor Samson | tsamson@rocklinusd.org | LA/Com II, LA/Com I |
Tori Schlenz | vschlenz@rocklinusd.org | LA/Com I Adv |
Emily Thomas | ethomas@rocklinusd.org | LA/Com II, RTPA |
Language Arts - Scope and Sequence
Language Arts - Scope and Sequence
The four year Language Arts program allows students to select advanced courses at the 9th, 10th, and 11th grade levels. The advanced courses are recommended for students wishing to take AP English as their 12th grade "capstone" course. The program offers several options at the 12th grade level to satisfy the 4th year English requirement for graduation and/or meet UC/CSU admission requirements. For detailed options see your counselor.
9th Grade
10th Grade
11th Grade
12th Grade
Expository Reading/Writing (ERWC)
Adv. LA I
Honors LA II
AP Language and Composition |
AP Literature/Composition
Honors LAII Child/Adolescent Literature | Creative Writing |