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It is the goal of the physical education department to provide students with opportunities to develop an optimal level of physical fitness through the use of psychomotor development activities, cardiovascular endurance training, flexibility exercises, strength training, and wellness education. The emphasis in all activities is an awareness of the importance of daily exercise, social skills, sportsmanship, and the enjoyment of physical activity throughout a lifetime.
Course List
- PE 1
- Aerobic Walking
- Athletic Fitness
- Athletic Weight Training
- Aquatics 1
- Aquatics 2
- Lifetime Activities/Unified Sports
- Team Sports
Staff List
Staff List
Michael Gimenez | mgimenez@rocklinusd.org |
Unified Sports, PE I, Sports Med I/II/III
Rachel Jaeger | rjaeger@rocklinusd.org | Sports Med I/II, Aquatics |
Zach McNally | zmcnally@rocklinusd.org | Head Varsity Football Coach, Weights |
AJ Muscarella | amuscarella@rocklinusd.org | Team Sports, Aerobic Walking, Weights |
Vincent Perez | vperez@rocklinusd.org | Heatlth, Aerobic Walking, Self Defense, Track |
April Steele | asteele@rocklinusd.org | PE I, Team Sports |
Kari Ustaszewski | kustaszewski@rocklinusd.org | PE I, Aquatics |
Kerianne Woods | kwoods@rocklinusd.org | PE I, Team Sports, Lifetime Sports |
Program Sequence
Program Sequence
Grade Level: 9
Prerequisite: None
Requirements Met:
WHS Physical Education (One Year)
The physical education program in P.E. I is to provide students with the opportunities to develop an optimal level of physical fitness through the use of psychomotor development activities, cardiovascular activities, flexibility exercises, strength training, and wellness education. The major activities of focus will be volleyball, dance, fitness lab, self-defense, pickleball, hockey, soccer, badminton, and swimming. This course meets the first year of the WHS Physical Education graduation requirement (10 credits). All 9th grade students will be enrolled in PE I. Students not earning a passing grade in PE I must repeat PE I.
The following courses meet the second and third year WHS Physical Education elective graduation requirements (20 credits). The prerequisite for all PE elective courses is successful completion of PE I. An athletic waiver will waive up to two semesters of the third year Physical Education requirement. Two seasons of sport participation is equal to one semester of elective P.E. The credits needed for graduation remains at 250; however, the student may waive the PE elective course and select a new elective course in another department. Varsity athletes will be required to be enrolled in a weights conditioning class. For further information, please contact the Counseling Center. Students may also use Theatre Dance I, II, III and IV as a P.E. elective course. Aerospace Science Drill may only be taken once to fulfill the PE elective requirement. Please check the Graduation Verification Petition in this handbook to help you determine your graduation needs.
Grade Level: 10 – 12
Prerequisite: Successful completion of PE I. Course may be repeated for credit.
Requirements Met:
WHS Physical Education Elective
This course is designed to introduce and provide the opportunity for students to participate in a variety of cardiovascular fitness activities. The course will also include the use of weighted balls, dumbbells, videos, steps, jump ropes, exercise bars, and other fitness equipment. The students will participate daily in warm-up exercises, cardiovascular endurance runs, body strengthening exercises, swimming, and other endurance exercises throughout the course. The ability to work well with others and participate at a high intensity level is expected. There will be timed tests, 3 and 4 mile run tests and off campus. Group, Individual, and team tests will be given using different exercises. Effort is required for this class.
Grade Level: 11-12
Prerequisite: Successful completion of PE I and parental permission. Course may be repeated for credit.
Requirements Met:
WHS Physical Education Elective
This course is activity based focusing on fitness as a lifelong activity. The fitness components of cardio-respiratory endurance, cardiovascular efficiency, muscular strength and muscular endurance are emphasized. This course is designed to introduce and provide an opportunity for students to develop a fitness workout plan through the main activity of walking. All walking routes will be off campus. Walking routes will be throughout the community from William Jessup to Twelve Bridges. There will be 8 walking tests per semester. This test will be done on the track and will be 3 miles each. Effort is required in this class.
Grade Level: 10-12
Prerequisite: Successful completion of PE I. Course may be repeated for credit.
Requirements Met:
WHS Physical Education Elective
This course is designed to serve as a comprehensive strength and conditioning regimen for our high achieving student athletes who have excessive academic and athletic demands during the traditional after school hours. The class will follow a standard periodization schedule that follows basic Macro, Meso, and Micro cycles throughout the year that complement and are in conjunction with the academic school calendar. The two primary goals of any strength and conditioning regimen are first and foremost injury prevention, specifically to major tendons and ligaments, and secondly sports performance. Students will work in a variety of different training modalities all geared towards those two objectives. The introduction to and consistent emphasis on the classical Olympic Lifts best serve the competitive athlete's needs for high school. The Olympic Lifts are highly technical movements that demand the most from the student athlete in regards to functional, ground based, multiple joint movement exercises. Exercises taught and trained in the class include, but are not limited to, the Snatch, Clean, and Jerk, Front/Back/Overhead Squats, Presses and other assistance and auxiliary exercises.
AQUATICS 1 (beginner)
Grade Level: 10-12
Prerequisite: Successful completion of PE I. Course may be repeated for credit.
Requirements Met:
WHS Physical Education Elective
A course that allows students to perform low impact aerobic activity within the water. Swim skills will be learned (freestyle, backstroke, sidestroke, breaststroke, elementary backstroke). Sample units include swimming conditioning, water aerobics, synchronized swimming, diving, water safety and aquatic games. Basic swimming required to enroll, however, no swim team experience needed.
AQUATICS 2 (competitive)
Grade Level: 10-12
Prerequisite: Successful completion of PE I and advance swim skills required. Course may be repeated for credit.
Requirements Met:
WHS Physical Education Elective
A high level swim conditioning course geared for athletes that participate in water polo and swim teams. This course is designed to improve cardiovascular activity of athletes within the water. Full body workouts on land and within the water will challenge students. Advance swim skills are required.
Grade Level: 10-12
Prerequisite: Successful completion of PE I. Course may be repeated for credit.
Requirements Met:
WHS Physical Education Elective
This course is designed to introduce and provide opportunities for students to develop the basic and intermediate skills in a variety of non-traditional sports and activities that they will be able to participate in now and in the future. Every class will consist of a fitness component and an activity such as aerobic walking, jogging, aerobics, pickleball, tennis, badminton, volleyball, softball, fitness, frisbee golf, ultimate frisbee, bowling, and children's games. Through this course, students will gain a greater knowledge and appreciation of possible activities that their community has to offer.
Grade Level: 10-12
Prerequisite: Successful completion of PE I. Course may be repeated for credit.
Requirements Met:
WHS Physical Education Elective
This course is designed to involve student participation in team sport activities. Students will be able to perform in various sports such as: ultimate frisbee, street hockey, flag football, soccer, basketball, volleyball, speedball, lacrosse, and softball. Students will learn the rules for these games and the fundamentals that make up each team sport. Each student will learn sportsmanship, communication, and the ability to work well with others. Team Sports will also include fitness as a part of the class. This will include mile runs, fitness exercises, and a variety of cardiovascular exercises. Each class will begin with a series of these exercises.
"Physical fitness is not only one of the most important keys to a healthy body, it is the basis of dynamic and creative intellectual activity."
- John F. Kennedy