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“The good thing about science is that it's true whether or not you believe in it.”
- Neil deGrasse Tyson

The Science Department at Whitney High School prepares students for college and offers a variety of Advanced Placement and UC accredited Courses.
Course List
- Anatomy/Physiology
- Biology
- Chemistry
- Chemistry Honors
- Forensics (Dual Enrollment)
- Geology
- Kinesiology (Dual Enrollment)
- Marine Biology
- Physics I
- AP Biology
- AP Chemistry
- AP Environmental Science (Dual Enrollment)
- AP Physics I/II/C: Mechanics
Staff List
Staff List
Laura Brun | lbrun@rocklinusd.org | Forensics |
Christine Cox | ccox@rocklinusd.org | Anato/Phys, Biology |
Robert Dorchak | rdorchak@rocklinusd.org | Geology, Kinesiology |
Desiree English | denglish@rocklinusd.org | Biology |
Erin Johnson | ejohnson@rocklinusd.org | Chemistry, Chemistry Honors, Physics |
Carissa Kuehn | ckuehn@rocklinusd.org | Geology, Marine Biology |
Bill Kurnett | wkurnett@rocklinusd.org | AP Physics I/II |
Ashley Bailey | abailey@rocklinusd.org | Biology/Chemestry |
Maria Powell | mcpowell@rocklinusd.org | AP Biology, Biology |
Amanda Vrudny | avrudny@rocklinusd.org |
Chem, Chem Honors, AP Environmental Science
Program Sequence
Program Sequence
Grade Level: 9
Requirements Met:
WHS Science Elective
UC/CSU Approved “D”
This laboratory science course studies the main concepts of biology with emphasis on the following: introduction to biochemistry, the cell, genetics, evolution and physiology.
The following courses meet the second and third years of the WHS elective Science graduation requirement (20 credits).
Grade Level: 11-12
Prerequisite: Biology and a second year of science.
Requirements Met:
WHS Science Elective
UC/CSU Approved “D”
Students will study the major systems of the human body. Course emphasis will be on recognition and function of major features of the organ systems studied. Students will also apply their knowledge of organ functions to the exploration of typical organ system diseases. Labs will feature dissection of the mammalian organ systems. Labs will also include explorations of the functions of the organ systems studied.
Grade Level: 10-12
Prerequisite: A grade of “B” or higher in Biology, Geology (if applicable), and Integrated Math I. Concurrent enrollment in Integrated Math II or higher without Math Lab recommended.
Requirements Met:
WHS Science Elective
UC/CSU Approved “D”
General chemistry is an initial exposure to the field of chemistry for the college-bound high school student, taught in a manner to enable the student to grasp the basic concepts and to pursue knowledge through experimentation. Students will solve problems and apply the solutions to real world situations as well as discover and work with quantitative relationships that are fundamental to chemical reactions and the structure of matter.
Grade Level: 10-12
Prerequisite:A grade of “A” in Biology and Integrated Math I. Concurrent enrollment in Integrated II or higher is highly recommended.
Requirements Met:
WHS Science Elective
UC/CSU Approved “D”
Honors Chemistry will cover the same topics that comprise the Chemistry I course, but the “honors” designation means the course will move at a faster pace. This allows more time to cover topics in greater detail and have additional lab activities. There are three primary reasons for students to enroll: students intend to enroll in AP Chemistry, students intend to major in a science in college, or students prefer a more challenging pace that a traditional college preparatory curriculum provides. Students will need to be self-motivated and work independently in order to be successful in this class, as these are important college preparatory skills. The expectation for students who choose to enroll in this class is that they are serious four-year college bound students. Work habits and academic performance are expected to exceed that of students in the college prep science classes.
Grade Level: 11-12
Prerequisite: Biology and a second year of science. B or better in your most recent science class or by science teacher recommendation
Requirements Met:
WHS Science Elective
UC/CSU Approved “D”
This course is designed to give the students both theory and hands-on experience in the skills and knowledge required of a forensic science technician. Students will learn to collect, preserve and analyze criminal evidence used to solve cases, such as: fingerprints, DNA, blood, hair and handwriting samples. The students will prepare reports or presentations of findings, investigate methods, or laboratory techniques used in solving crimes. There is also a focus on famous cases that relate to the topics studied.
Grade Level: 11-12
Prerequisite: Biology and a second year of science. A grade of C or better in last Science Class
Dual Enrollment Course: ADMJ 80 Introduction to Crime Scene Investigation (3 units, CSU transferable)
Requirements Met:
WHS Science Elective
UC/CSU Approved “D”
Sierra College Dual Enrollment Course
This course covers the fundamentals, theoretical and hands-on skills, of crime scene investigation and forensic science for the basic investigator. Students will learn to properly collect, preserve, and analyze common types of crime scene evidence using a variety of scientific principles. Through the examination of case studies, students will gain a real-world understanding of how forensic science and law interact to solve crimes in our criminal justice system. Topics include: CSI, DNA, trace evidence, blood pattern analysis, ballistics/firearms, questioned documents, criminal psychology, death investigations (pathology, entomology, and anthropology), and legal considerations. Major assignments include a mock crime scene project, individual research and presentation on a famous case, and solving a culminating forensic mystery.
Grade Level: 10-12
Prerequisite: Biology
Requirements Met:
WHS Science Elective
UC/CSU Approved “D”
Geology is a physical lab science that introduces students to the systems responsible for Earth’s dynamic nature. Students will study the origin, history and structure of the Earth and the processes that shape it. Material covered in this course falls under three broad categories: the universe and Earth’s place in it, how and why Earth is constantly changing, and how Earth’s surface processes and human activities affect each other. Major topics covered include the universe and its stars, formation of the solar system, history of Earth, Earth materials and systems, water and Earth’s surface, natural hazards, natural resources, climate and weather, and California’s unique geology.
Grade Level: 11-12
Prerequisite: Biology and a second year Science
Requirements Met:
WHS Science Elective
UC/CSU Approved “D”
Marine Biology is designed to introduce students to a world as immense, enchanting and mysterious as the one above ground – the ocean world. The marine environment will be explored as it relates to biology, geology, chemistry and physics. Through laboratory activities marine organisms will be explored relative to their functions, their different habitats and effects of organism interactions. The topics studied will include: environmental issues, marine resources, current research and aquatic ecosystems.
Grade Level: 10-12
Prerequisite: A grade of “B” or higher in Integrated II, Biology, and Geology (if applicable). Concurrent enrollment in Integrated II/III combo or higher (without a math lab class)
Requirements Met:
WHS Science Elective
UC/CSU Approved “D”
This course is designed to engage students in everyday applications as well as professional applications of physics. This lab-based, college prep course will investigate a variety of physical phenomena through the use of computer-aided data retrieval and analysis. Students need to have strong math and critical thinking skills. This course is recommended for any student that is planning to attend a four-year university. Physics is essential for any student planning to major in the following: engineering, medicine, science, and math.
Grade Level: 11 – 12
Prerequisite: Concurrent enrollment in AP Calculus AB and successful completion of AP Physics I
Fee: College Board testing fee ($TBA)
Grade Level: 11 – 12
Prerequisite: Concurrent enrollment in AP Calculus AB and successful completion of AP Physics I
Fee: College Board testing fee ($TBA)
College Articulation (Pending): CSU Sacramento/PHYS 11A, 4 Units (CSU Sacramento ACE fee)
Requirements Met:
WHS Science Elective
UC/CSU Approved “D”
This course ordinarily forms the first part of the college sequence that serves as the foundation in physics for students majoring in the field of physical sciences or engineering. The sequence is parallel to or proceeded by mathematics courses that include calculus. Methods of calculus are used wherever appropriate in formulating physical principles and in applying them to physical problems. The sequence is more intensive and analytic than that in the AP Physics I course. Strong emphasis is placed on solving a variety of challenging problems, some
requiring calculus. This AP Physics C course is the first part of a sequence often taken in college that is very intensive with a laboratory component.
requiring calculus. This AP Physics C course is the first part of a sequence often taken in college that is very intensive with a laboratory component.
Grade Level: 11-12
Prerequisite: A grade of “B” or higher in Biology and Chemistry
Fees: College Board testing fee ($TBA)
Requirements Met:
WHS Science Elective
UC/CSU Approved “D”
AP Biology is an intensive and accelerated study of biology. It is designed for students seeking additional challenges and preparation for college. This course is a part of a nationwide program sponsored by the College Board. It is intended to be a representative freshman course commonly offered in American Universities, but not necessarily identical with a course at any specific institution. Students take the AP exam at the end of this course. Students take the AP exam at the end of this course. Students who pass the test may receive college credit, advanced placement or both depending on the institution’s policies.
Grade Level: 11-12
Prerequisite: A grade of “B” or higher in Honors Chemistry or a grade of “A” in Chemistry. Concurrent enrollment in Integrated III or higher and teacher approval
Fees: College Board testing fee ($TBA)
Requirements Met:
WHS Science Elective
UC/CSU Approved “D”
This course is an intensive and accelerated chemistry program designed for students seeking additional challenge and preparation for college. The purpose of this course is to explore the fundamentals of chemistry by focusing on chemical calculations and laboratory experimentation. This course is part of a nationwide program sponsored by the College Board. It is intended to be a representative freshman course commonly offered in American universities, but is not necessarily identical with a course at any specific institution. Students take the AP exam at the end of this course. Students who pass the test may receive college credit, advanced placement or both depending on the institution’s policies.
Grade Level: 11-12
Prerequisite: Biology and a grade of “B” or higher in Chemistry or an “A” in Geology is recommended
Fees: College Board testing fee ($TBA)
Requirements Met:
WHS Science Elective
UC/CSU Approved “D”
This course is a college level laboratory course that aims to provide students with the scientific principles, concepts, and methodologies required to understand the interrelationships of the natural world. The course aims to identify and analyze environmental problems both natural and human-made, to evaluate the relative risks associated with these problems, and to examine alternative solutions for resolving and/or preventing them. This course is part of a nationwide program sponsored by the College Board. It is intended to be a representative freshman course commonly offered in American universities, but not necessarily identical to a course at a specific institution. Students take the AP exam at the end of this course. Students who pass the test may receive college credit, advanced placement or both depending on the policies at the specific institution.
Prerequisite: Teacher approval
ESS 0001. The Environment and the Human Impact
Requirements Met:
WHS Science Elective
Units: 3
Formerly known as INT 1
Advisory (Recommended): Eligibility for ENGL 1A
Hours: 54 lecture
Theoretical and practical understanding of the principles of ecology, the complexities of technology, and the contemporary problems of the environment on both a local and global level. Lecture/discussion and films in the areas of population, technology, environmental restoration, land use, energy, pollution, and world hunger, as well as the basic concepts, economics, politics, poetry, literature, and philosophy of ecology. (CSU, UC)
Grade Level: 10-12
Prerequisite: A grade of “B” or higher in Integrated II. Concurrent enrollment in Integrated III or Precal/trig and teacher approval.
Recommendation: Physics I is not a prerequisite course but strong math skills are strongly recommended to do well. A grade of “A” in last math class is advised.
Fees: College Board testing fee ($TBA)
Requirements Met:
WHS Science Elective
UC/CSU Approved “D”
This is the first class of a two year course in AP Physics designed for students seeking additional challenge and preparation for college. AP Physics 1 is the equivalent to a first-semester college course in algebra-based physics. The course covers Newtonian Mechanics (including rotational dynamics and angular momentum); work, energy and power, and mechanical waves and sound. It will also introduce electric circuits. Focus of the class is based on scientific practices and inquiry investigation. This course is suggested for students interested in majoring in science, medicine, math, or engineering.
Grade Level: 11-12
Prerequisite: A grade of “A” in Physics 1 or a grade of “B” or higher in AP Physics 1 and concurrent enrollment in pre-calculus or higher and teacher approval.
Fees: College Board testing fee ($TBA)
Requirements Met:
WHS Science Elective
UC/CSU Approved “D”
This is the second class of a two year course in AP Physics designed for students seeking additional challenge and preparation for college. AP Physics 2 is equivalent to a second semester college course in algebra-based physics. The course covers fluid mechanics; thermodynamics, electricity and magnetism, optics, and atomic and nuclear physics. Focus of the class is based on scientific practices and inquiry investigation. This course is suggested for students interested in majoring in science, math, medicine, or engineering.
Grade Level: 11-12
Prerequisite: Concurrent enrollment in AP Calculus AB. Grade of “B” or higher in AP Physics 1.
Fee: College Board testing fee ($TBA)
Requirements Met:
WHS Science Elective
UC/CSU Approved “D”
This course ordinarily forms the first part of the college sequence that serves as the foundation in physics for students majoring in the field of physical sciences or engineering. The sequence is parallel to or proceeded by mathematics courses that include calculus. Methods of calculus are used wherever appropriate in formulating physical principles and in applying them to physical problems. The sequence is more intensive and analytic than that in the AP Physics B course. Strong emphasis is placed on solving a variety of challenging problems, some requiring calculus. This AP Physics C course is the first part of a sequence often taken in college that is very intensive with a laboratory component.
Grade Level: 11-12
Prerequisite: Biology and a second year Science
Requirements Met:
WHS Science Elective
UC/CSU Approved “D”
Kinesiology is a science course that uses topics in human movement for investigation. Students will be exposed to the historical and organizational perspective of kinesiology, the detailed anatomical and biomechanical study of the skeletal and muscular systems with a special focus on each major body region, the physiological response of a tissue, specific medical conditions and injuries, scientific principles of injury prevention, assessment, rehabilitation, exercise physiology, and human performance. Students begin an in-depth exploration of the anatomy and physiology of the skeletal and muscular systems as they relate to movement, medical terminology, ethical and legal issues as they relate to various kinesiology professions, and sport psychological theories.