- Academics
- Advanced Placement
- Career & Technical Education Pathways
- Health
- Language Arts
- Leadership
- Mathematics
- Physical Education
- Science
- Social Science
- Support Services
- Visual & Performing Arts
- World Languages
- Multi-Tiered System of Supports
"Seven social sins: knowledge without character, pleasure without conscience, commerce without morality, politics without principles, science without humanity, worship withouth sacrifice and wealth without work."
-Mahatma Gandhi

The Social Studies Department at Whitney High School prepares students for four-year colleges and offers a number of UC accredited classes and Advanced Placement courses.
Course LIst
Course LIst
- World Geography
- Advanced Geography
- World History
- AP World History
- US History
- AP US History
- US History Dual Enrollment
- Government
- Economics
- AP Microeconomics
- AP Government
- Psychology
- AP Psychology
- Ethnic Studies
Related Links
Staff List
Staff List
Tony Bannister | tbannister@rocklinusd.org | US History, AP US History |
Timothy Farnan | tfarnan@rocklinusd.org | LOYO, Gov/Econ, AP Gov |
Nicole Ferguson | nferguson@rocklinusd.org | US History, AP Microeconomics |
Paul Hanks | phanks@rocklinusd.org |
Gvt/Econ, Psych
Travis Mougeotte | tmougeotte@rocklinusd.org | Geography |
Katie Staggs | kstaggs@rocklinusd.org | AP World History, World History |
Daniel Parker | dparker@rocklinusd.org | US History, Gov/Econ |
Shawn Robin | srobin@rocklinusd.org | Gvt/Econ, AP Psych |
Suzie Strain | sstrain@rocklinusd.org | World History, Geography |
Jackson Watt | jwatt@rocklinusd.org | Geography, World History |