- Academics
- Advanced Placement
- Career & Technical Education Pathways
- Health
- Language Arts
- Leadership
- Mathematics
- Physical Education
- Science
- Social Science
- Support Services
- Visual & Performing Arts
- World Languages
- Multi-Tiered System of Supports

Support Services is an educational alternative that focuses on the teaching of students with academic, behavioral, health, or physical needs that cannot sufficiently be met using traditional educational programs or techniques.
In some systems special education can also be implemented in mainstream education by giving certain students more individual attention to their specific needs. Often this is implemented by an additional member of the staff who has responsibility for working with children and young people with additional needs in small group or one-to-one situations.
In some systems special education can also be implemented in mainstream education by giving certain students more individual attention to their specific needs. Often this is implemented by an additional member of the staff who has responsibility for working with children and young people with additional needs in small group or one-to-one situations.
Staff List
Staff List
Kevin Estes | kestes@rocklinusd.org | Integrated Math 1B, Curriculum Support |
David Gerster | dgerster@rocklinusd.org | Basic Social Studies, Curriculum Support |
Kristi Hall | khall@rocklinusd.org | Integrated Math 1A, Curriculum Support |
Kelly Krasner | kkrasner@rocklinusd.org | Consumer Math, Curriculum Support |
Jennifer Lagomarsino | jlagomarsino@rocklinusd.org | Integrated Math IA, Curriculum Support |
Melissa Morgan | mmorgan@rocklinusd.org | Basic English, Curriculum Support |
Guy Morrow | gmorrow@rocklinusd.org | Basic Phys Science, Basic Math, Curriculum Support |
Leigh Mrizek | lmrizek@rocklinusd.org | Business Math, Curriculum Support |
Alison Pearl | apearl@rocklinusd.org | Basic English, Curriculum Support |
David Rumbaugh | drumbaugh@rocklinusd.org | TASEL, Group Studies |
Pam Shugarte | pshugarte@rocklinusd.org |
Applied Job Skills, Functional Life Skills,
Applied: English, Science, Math
Matt Thompson | mthompson@rocklinusd.org | Functional: Job Skills, Social Studies, English, Science, Math |
Support Staff
Support Staff
Mandy Boone | mboone@rocklinusd.org | Occupational Therapist |
Alma Bustos | abustos@rocklinusd.org | Instructional Aide |
Lisa Cadoret-Lewis | lcadoretlewis@rocklinusd.org | Aide |
Mary Carter | mcarter@rocklinusd.org | Aide |
Kim Clementi | kclementi@rocklinusd.org | Aide |
Jacque da Roza | jdaroza@rocklinusd.org | Workability Coordinator |
Alanna Fairbain | afairbain@rocklinusd.org | Aide |
Jessica Flacks | jflacks@rocklinusd.org | Aide |
Erin Gearin | egearin@rocklinusd.org | Aide |
Rita Gonzalez | rgonzalez@rocklinusd.org | Aide |
Bridgette Green | bgreen@rocklinusd.org | Workability Coordinator |
Natalie Grimes | ngrimes@rocklinusd.org | Psychologist |
Janelle Hardy | jhardy@rocklinusd.org | Aide |
Bettina Hart | bhart@rocklinusd.org | Aide |
Christelle Jara | cjara@rocklinusd.org | Instructional Aide |
Maggie Lloyd | mlloyd@rocklinusd.org | Aide |
Melissa Lopez | mlopez@rocklinusd.org | Aide |
Margie McClain | mmcclain@rocklinusd.org | Aide |
Dani Mesaros | dmesaros@rocklinusd.org | Psychologist |
Dana Monaghan | dmonaghan@rocklinusd.org | Speech Therapist |
Kristy Odell | kodell@rocklinusd.org | Aide |
Adam Paulsen | apaulsen@rocklinusd.org | Aide |
Crystal Props | cprops@rocklinusd.org | Aide |
Sharon Root | sroot@rocklinusd.org | Aide |
Kevin Seals | kseals@rocklinusd.org | Aide |
Jamie Howard Sears | jhowardsears@rocklinusd.org | Aide |
Rose Skolnick | rsckolnick@rocklinusd.org | Aide |
Nicole Waters | nwaters@rocklinusd.org | Mental Health Specialist |
Richard Wester | rwester@rocklinusd.org | Aide |
Vanessa Wilde | vwilde@rocklinusd.org | Speech Therapist |
Ana Zarfos | azarfos@rocklinusd.org | Aide |
"Education is an admirable thing, but it is well to remember from time to time that nothing that is worth knowing can be taught."
- Oscar Wilde