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- World Languages
- Multi-Tiered System of Supports
"If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart."
- Nelson Mandela

The World Languages Department at Whitney High School prepares students for four-year colleges.
CoursE List
CoursE List
French I
French II
French III (Honors Option)
French IV (AP Option)
Spanish I
Spanish II
Spanish III Honors
AP Spanish
Multicultural Studies
Staff List
Staff List
Jesus Armas | jarmas@rocklinusd.org | AP Spanish |
Spanish I / II / H | ||
Tod Furtado | tfurtado@rocklinusd.org |
Spanish I / II
Ashley Just | ajust@rocklinusd.org | ASL I / II / III |
Bettina Shoop | bshoop@rocklinusd.org | French I / II / III / H/V |
Mark Snow | msnow@rocklinusd.org | Spanish II / III |
Celina Ulloa | culloa@rocklinusd.org | Spanish I/II |
Scope and Sequence
Scope and Sequence
Grade Level: 9-12
Prerequisite: None
Requirements Met:
WHS World Languages
UC Approved “E”
American Sign Language I is a beginning foreign language course offered in the high school setting. This course offers students the beginning foundation for American Sign Language skill acquisition to include: finger spelling, numbers, basic signs, non-manual signals, grammar and syntax. Students will practice and create dialogs to demonstrate expressive and receptive communicative competence. Students will acquire knowledge and appreciation for the Deaf culture through literature, art, various readings, Deaf events and visitations by Deaf guest speakers.
This course has the dual purpose of laying a strong foundation for American Sign Language skill acquisition as well as developing a deep understanding for the Deaf community. Through interactive classroom participation in dialogues and conversing in ASL, students gain fluency in signing the alphabet, numbers, words, and syntactically correct sentences incorporating essential grammatical non-manual signals. Exposure to various learning opportunities promotes understanding and appreciation for the Deaf culture. This will be accomplished through: ASL guest speakers, DVD’s, audiovisual deaf biographies, various readings and Deaf cultural events.
Grade Level: 9-12
Prerequisite: None
Requirements Met:
WHS World Languages
UC Approved “E”
American Sign Language 2 is a continuation of the basic study of the language and culture acquired in ASL 1. At this level, emphasis will be on ASL grammar including facial expression, body language and introduction to conversational regulators. Students will attend one deaf event per semester, will be assigned reports, and project emphasizing appreciation of Deaf culture.
Grade Level: 9-12
Prerequisite: None
Requirements Met:
WHS World Languages
UC Approved “E”
American Sign Language 3 is designed to enable students to enhance proficiency in American Sign Language through a linguistic, communicative, and cultural approach to language learning. There is a continued emphasis on the development of receptive and expressive signing skills. Experiences with American Sign Language and Deaf literature are broadened. Cross-cultural understanding is fostered and real-life applications are emphasized throughout the course.
Grade Level: 9-12
Prerequisite: None
Requirements Met:
WHS World Languages
UC/CSU Approved “E”
This course is designed to introduce students to the basics of the French language and culture. The focus of the course is communication, using French to accomplish simple tasks. For example, students will learn to greet each other in French, rather than just learn French grammar. This means that students will learn the language by using it both in and out of the classroom. Classroom activities will include paired and group activities, simulations, role-playing, dictations, story-telling, games, songs, skits, plays, videos, presentations, etc.
Grade Level: 10-12
Prerequisite: French I with a grade of “C” or higher
Requirements Met:
WHS World Languages
UC/CSU Approved “E”
French II is designed to build upon the grammar and culture that students learned in French I. The focus of the course is communication, using French to accomplish tasks. Students learn to converse in French rather than just learning rules. Classroom activities will include paired and group activities, simulations, role-playing, dictations, story-telling, games, songs, skits, plays, videos, presentations, etc.
FRENCH III (with Honors Option)
Grade Level: 11-12
Prerequisite: French II with a grade of “C” or higher
Requirements Met:
WHS World Languages
UC/CSU Approved “E”
French III is designed to build upon the grammar and culture that students learned in French II. The focus of the course is communication, using French to accomplish tasks. Students learn to converse in French while learning in depth rules that govern French grammar. Classroom activities will include paired and group activities, simulations, role-playing, dictations, story-telling, games, songs, skits, plays, videos, presentations, etc. The Honors option is an advanced curriculum that the student will complete outside of class. It will include reading, speaking, listening and writing in the target language.
FRENCH IV (with AP Option)
Grade Level: 12
Prerequisite: French III or French III Honors AND teacher approval
Requirements Met:
WHS World Languages
UC/CSU Approved “E”
French IV is a college preparatory class designed to challenge the students who wish to refine their skills in French. The course is taught in French and focuses on advanced grammatical concepts, literature speaking and listening skills. Like French III Honors, classroom activities could include paired and group activities, simulations, role-playing, games, songs, skits, plays, video and presentations. Students may opt to take the AP Exam if they complete the prerequisite coursework throughout the year. The prerequisite coursework is completed outside of class and at AP meetings with the instructor.. Students take the AP exam at the end of this course. Students who pass the test may receive college credit, advanced placement or both depending on the institution’s policies.
Grade Level: 9-12
Prerequisite: None
Requirements Met:
WHS World Languages
UC/CSU Approved “E”
Spanish I is a year-long course designed to provide the student with opportunities to study basic vocabulary, learn basic verb conjugations and ask/answer basic questions. Along with developing a stronger cultural awareness of Spanish-speaking cultures, students will be provided daily practice in the four core areas of language learning: listening, speaking, reading and writing. Classroom activities could include: individual, paired and group activities, skits, role plays, games, videos, projects, daily warm-ups, textbook exercises and assessments (written and/or oral). A minimum of 25% of classroom instruction will be given in the target language.
Grade Level: 9-12
Prerequisites: Spanish I with a grade of “C” or higher. Placement test for transfer students from outside RUSD.
Requirements Met:
WHS World Languages
UC/CSU Approved “E”
Spanish II is a year-long course designed to expand a student’s understanding of the Spanish vocabulary, grammar and Spanish I culture learned in Spanish I. Students will be provided many opportunities to improve their skills in the four core areas of language learning: listening, speaking, reading and writing. To increase listening comprehension and improve oral communication skills, a minimum of 50% of classroom instruction will be given in the target language and students will be encouraged to use their Spanish skills both inside and outside the classroom. Classroom activities could include: individual, paired and group activities, skits, role plays, games, videos, daily warm-ups, textbook exercises and assessments (written and/or oral).
Grade Level: 9-11
Prerequisite: None
Requirements Met:
WHS World Languages
UC/CSU Approved “E”
Spanish I/II is a year-long course meeting daily. This course will provide students the opportunity to complete Spanish I during the Fall semester and students will study basic vocabulary, learn basic verb conjugations and ask/answer basic questions along with develop a stronger cultural awareness of Spanish-speaking cultures. Spanish II will be completed during the Spring semester and students will expand on their Spanish I knowledge with a higher level of spanish vocabulary and grammar. To increase listening comprehension and improve oral communication skills, a minimum of 50% of classroom instructions will be given in the target language and students will be encouraged to use their Spanish skills both inside and outside the classroom. Classroom activities could include: individual, paired and group activities, skits, role plays, games, videos, projects, daily warm-ups, textbook exercises and assessments (written and/or oral).
Grade Level: 10-12
Prerequisite: Spanish II with a grade of “C” or higher or completion of course waiver
Requirements Met:
WHS World Languages
UC/CSU Approved “E”
Spanish III is a year-long course designed to reinforce and amplify a student’s knowledge of Spanish vocabulary, grammar and culture learned in Spanish I and II. To meet this goal, students will be afforded daily opportunities to improve their skills in the four areas of language learning: listening, speaking, reading and writing. To further deepen the student’s listening comprehension and oral communication skills, a minimum of 75% of classroom instruction will be given in the target language and students will be required to use their Spanish skills both inside and outside the classroom. Classroom activities could include: individual, paired and group activities, skits, role plays, games, videos, presentations, daily warm-ups, textbook exercises and assessments (written and/or oral).
Grade Level: 10-12
Prerequisite: Spanish II with a grade of “B” or higher AND teacher approval
Requirements Met:
WHS World Languages
UC/CSU Approved “E”
Spanish III Honors is a year-long course designed to reinforce and amplify a student’s knowledge of Spanish vocabulary, grammar and culture learned in Spanish I and II. To meet this goal, students will be afforded daily opportunities to improve their skills in the four areas of language learning: listening, speaking, reading and writing. To further deepen the student’s listening comprehension and oral communication skills, a minimum of 85% of classroom instruction will be given in the target language and students will be required to use their Spanish skills both inside and outside the classroom. Classroom activities could include: individual, paired and group activities, skits, role plays, games, videos, presentations, daily warm-ups, textbook exercises and assessments (written and/or oral). The class is considered Honors because of the accelerated instruction of grammar which in return allows students to analyze all types of texts ranging from poems, song lyrics and short stories throughout the year.
Grade Level: 11-12
Prerequisites: Spanish III with a grade of “B” or higher AND teacher approval
Requirements Met:
WHS World Languages
UC/CSU Approved “E”
AP Spanish is a year-long course designed to reinforce and solidify the Spanish vocabulary, grammar and culture learned in Spanish I, II and III. In addition, this course examines in detail advanced grammatical concepts and higher order vocabulary terms through the careful study of Spanish realia, such as short stories, poems, magazine/newspaper articles, websites and music. On a daily basis, students will be given many opportunities to refine their skills in the four areas of language learning: listening, speaking, reading and writing. To increase the student’s proficiency in listening comprehension and oral communication, at least 95% of classroom instruction will be given in the target language and students will be required to use their Spanish skills both inside and outside the classroom. Classroom activities could include: individual, paired and group activities, skits, role plays, games, videos, presentations, daily warm-ups, textbook exercises and assessments (written and/or oral). AP Students may opt to take the AP Exam end of this course. Students who pass the AP exam may receive college credit, advanced placement or both depending on the institution’s policies.