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Over the summer, the Executive Board set the motto, vision statement, and core values for the Leadership class for the 2024-2025 school year, "Domino Effect". This motto will drive the leadership class to work hard and always keep the entire student body in mind when making decisions. The leadership team strives for every single student on Whitney's campus to feel included and feel like they are an important part of our family. 
Mission Statement:

Mission Statement:

The mission of the class is to develop students with the fundamental leadership skills necessary to be a leader outside of the school walls. To achieve this mission, 7 core values will be implemented and practiced in every event or activity the class executes. Such activities include but are not limited to clubs, spirit weeks, student section, dances, and LTA’s. The class will be a family that collaboratively works to serve the school with the most positive culture around.
Core Values:

Core Values:

Core value #1- Positivity. Students will keep a positive attitude no matter the situation. It’s important to remain supportive of everything and everyone!
Core value #2 - Accountability. Students will make sure that they are doing all they can for the better of Whitney High School. If not, we will direct each other in the correct direction. 
Core value #3 - Respect. Students are expected to respect themselves above all things. The actions students take are a direct reflection of how much they respect themselves and ultimately WHS. 
Core value #4 - Committment. Students in leadership understand that without sacrifice there is no victory. Our work is not only during leadership class. We will embrace our time together and be a FAMILY. 
Core value #5 - Communication. Students understand collaborating is the most effective way to get things done. Students will all be on the same page which will ensure efficiency within the group. 
Core value #6 - Initiative. We are a program that is proactive in the planning process of events. We must make sure to cross our T’s and dot our I’s. It’s also important to value the skill of being a service member of the class. 
Core value #7 - Teach. In the leadership program it is not a matter of what you know but rather what you are willing to learn. It’s also important to pass on knowledge from year  to year to ensure growth in taking place.
General Information

General Information

Intro to Leadership
Service Leadership
  • Health course consists of one quarter Driver Education, one quarter Sex Education and one semester Health Education, which is a graduation requirement.
2025-2026 Leadership Application

2025-2026 Leadership Application

Attention WHS students interested in being part of the WHS 2025-2026 Leadership Program:

All students interested in being in Leadership; student applicants, elected candidates or appointed commissioners

must meet February 25th, during lunch in the large gym.  

(Incoming freshman are not expected to attend)


Applications for all students are due:

March 3, 2025 by 2:00pm at the WHS Front Office or the Student Store


2025-2026 Leadership Application

