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Hello Students and Parents/Guardians of the Class of 2022:
The end of the year is fast approaching and a VERY important item must not be forgotten.  REQUESTING FINAL TRANSCRIPTS.
Please note, neither your Counselor, nor the Registrar are notified of where you are going to college, which is why YOU must complete your grad survey as well as order your final transcripts to be sent out. All colleges require your official final transcript and if it is not received by their deadline you may risk your offer of admission being rescinded. 
Because we cannot guarantee the availability of our staff to issue final transcripts over the summer, it is CRUCIAL that you get this ordered now. A last minute request the day before or the day of the deadline may jeopardize your entrance status. For this reason, the ordering of final transcripts (for those attending college next year) will be verified along with the completion of your grad survey as part of senior check out. 
The transcript request process is outlined on this LINK on our website and requires two steps. You must enter your college in SCOIR and you must complete the brief request form. If you have never logged into SCOIR, you will have an invitation to do so in your email. CLICK HERE for full instructions.  If you need help, please stop by the Counseling Department or College and Career Center for assistance as soon as possible!