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Senior Tributes

Senior Tributes

Whitney High School | Details yearbook
Senior Tribute Ads - FAQS
Updated October 1, 2024
Senior tributes for the 2025 yearbook are on sale June 1. To purchase a tribute for your senior, please review this information closely. We change the process slightly from one year to the next based on what we learn, and our goal is to help everyone have a smooth experience.
  • The attached size/price sheet will help you determine what size tribute you want to order. The lowest prices are available now, and the price increases each month on the first of the month. In other words, you have from now through Aug. 31, 2024 to get the early-bird rate! Tributes will be available until Dec. 1 unless all spots sell out before then, at which time the order form and payment portal will close. Do not wait! Space is limited and is available on a first come, first served basis by following the instructions.
  • When you're ready to order, use the 2025 order form, which includes uploading your photos and submitting your message for the tribute.
  • After submitting the Google Form with everything uploaded, you're ready to pay and finalize the order. Payment takes place on the WHS Webstore.
  • This sheet walks you through how the Webstore works and includes the link. After reading the FAQ sheet, if you have questions about the payment process, please contact bookkeeper Jordan Miller at
  • Students in Whitney High Student Media, the nationally award-winning publications program, will design your tribute and will communicate with you throughout the process during the fall semester. Typically we begin creating the tributes in September, and we do them in installments through December. We usually create them in the order they are received.