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Section I

A: Anatomy and Physiology

A: Anatomy and Physiology


The instructor will present a factual, substantiated discussion of anatomy and physiology which will develop the following concepts:
  1. Human growth and development are continuous, predictable, and individual.
  2. The continuum of anatomical and physiological maturation from puberty to menopause is not a singular event.
  3. The endocrine system is the catalyst in anatomical and physiological maturation.
  4. Puberty involves specific physical and emotional changes.
  5. Knowledge of the male and female anatomy and physiology leads to an understanding of growth and development through the life cycle.
  6. The human reproductive system is identified by specific scientific terminology.

The student will be able to:
  1. Demonstrate knowledge of maturation and development stages.
  2. Use proper terminology when identifying the parts of the human anatomy.
  3. Identify changes, both anatomical and physiological, through the sexual maturation process - puberty to menopause.
  4. Comprehend that puberty is a process, not an event, and that variation in the age-of-onset and duration are normal.
  5. Understand how body changes are influenced by hormones.
  6. Recognize that male and female anatomy and physiology have many similarities and differences.
Resource Materials:

Health Skills for Wellness, Prentice Hall 2002, Chapter 8, Sections 8-1, 8-2, 8-3, and "Building Health Skills," pp. 166-191; Teacher's Resource File Chapter 8; Chapter 10,

p. 219, Sections 10-1, 10-2, 10-3, and Teacher's Resource File Chapter 10.

9/10 F.L.A.S.H., Lesson Plan 4, Puberty/Adolescence, Student Learning Objectives: #2,

p. 75.  (Lesson Plan 3)

Teen-Aid, Inc., "Reproductive Anatomy," pp. 80-84.

Pregnancy Series Models, FISHER-EMD.

** Note:  It is the subcommittee's feeling that Anatomy and Physiology should be taught from a developmental perspective - puberty through menopause.  It is important that graphic materials be of the highest professional quality.
B: Embryonic and Fetal Development

B: Embryonic and Fetal Development


The instructor will present a factual, substantiated discussion of embryonic and fetal development which will develop the following concepts:

  1. Integrate fetal development with discussion of reproduction.
  2. Relate objectives to relevant anatomy and physiology.
  3. Understand that behavior before, during, and after pregnancy is key to promoting healthy fetal development and preventing birth defects.
  4. Understand that the first trimester of pregnancy is the stage most susceptible to teratogens.

The student will demonstrate knowledge of:
  1. Fertilization.
  2. Cell division (embryo).
  3. Implantation (discuss pregnancy tests here).
  4. The placenta - its formation and role/action.
  5. Early organ formation and anatomy.
  6. Fetal (8 weeks) growth - chronological stages; (e.g., 12 weeks, 16 weeks, 20 weeks, 24 weeks, term).
  7. Congenital disease - effects of teratogens, etc; include discussion of:
    Alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs and chemicals
    Infectious agents
    Physical agents
Resource Materials:

Greenberg and Gold: Health Reinhart and Winston, 1994, Sections 16.3 and 24.1.

Health Skills for Wellness, Prentice Hall 2002, pp. 201-207

Nilsson, Lennart, A Child is Born, Delacorte Press, by current edition - excellent in utero photos of fetal development!

“Miracle of Life"/"Life's Greatest Miracle" – PBS videos.

Pregnancy Series Models, FISHER-EMD.

Empathy Belly – teaching model.
C: Sexually Transmitted Diseases - STDs

C: Sexually Transmitted Diseases - STDs


The instructor will present a factual, substantiated discussion of sexually transmitted diseases which will develop the following concepts:

  1. STDs are all infections that can be sexually transmitted from person to person.
  2. STDs have reached epidemic levels with a majority of the cases involving persons between 15 and 30.
  3. STDs are serious possible hazards of teenage sex.
  4. STDs are preventable.
  5. The implications of promiscuity for the spread of sexually transmitted diseases will be clearly explained.
  6. Medical care is needed to treat STDs.

The student will:
  1. Understand that abstinence is the only sure prevention of the sexual transmission of STDs.
  2. Demonstrate knowledge of the names and symptoms of the following STDs: Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, Syphilis, Herpes Simplex, Hepatitis B, Genital Warts (Human Papilloma Virus, HPV), and Trichomonas Vaginalis.
  3. Demonstrate knowledge of the consequences of these STDs, such as Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID), infertility, cervical cancer, and death.
  4. Recognize that some STDs are not curable and some are curable.
  5. Realize that he/she has the personal power to control behavior and prevent STDs.
  6. Understand the advantages of long term mutual monogamy, as in marriage, with an uninfected partner.
  7. Be able to identify high risk behaviors, such as any sexual contact involving the exchange of semen, vaginal secretions and blood, and multiple sex partners.
  8. Identify the factors involved in failure or success of condoms as they apply to each sexually transmitted disease.  A range of statistics from district approved resources will be presented.
  9. Know that confidential health care is available and should be sought if symptoms of STDs are suspected.
Resource Materials:

Health Skills for Wellness, Prentice-Hall, 2002, pp. 548-557.

Sexuality, Commitment, & Family, Teen-Aid Inc., pp. 241-249 starting with "Gonorrhea."

Entering Adulthood Series, ETR Associates: Preventing Sexually Related Disease.  Approved without price comparison shopping for condoms and the statement on page 106 regarding “AIDS can be fatal....”

“Genital Herpes” and “Chlamydia”, Human Relations Media videos.

“Sexually Transmitted Diseases”, National Health Video, Inc.

“The Truth About Sex”, AIMS Media video.

Booklet, “Sex, Condoms, and STDs: What We Now Know”, The Medical Institute for Sexual Health, 2002.

Fact Cards on Sexually Transmitted Diseases, the Medical Institute for Sexual Health, 2002.
D: Sexual Health

D: Sexual Health


The discussion of sexual health will teach the students that they have the power to maintain their good health by being knowledgeable, obtaining appropriate medical care, and actively participating in their own health care.  This will include a discussion of the following concepts:

  1. Health skills, including self examination, and knowing when and how to obtain medical care, can facilitate prevention, early detection, and early treatment of disease.
  2. Health care for teenagers, including care for teen pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), is best provided with the approval and involvement of the family.  However, students need the knowledge to allow them to seek care on their own if they so desire.

The student will:
  1. Demonstrate a knowledge of the following content areas:
    a) good hygiene for men and women.
    b) pap smears, including when to start paps, recommended frequency, the -problems of abnormal paps, dysplasia, cervical cancer, and the relation to human papilloma virus.
    c) the use of tampons and their relation to toxic shock syndrome.
  2. Describe the purpose of self examination, techniques, abnormal findings, and appropriate response to abnormal findings, including the following content areas:
    a) breast self-examination, mammography, and breast cancer.
    b) testicular self-examination and testicular cancer.
  3. Know the common symptoms indicative of STDs and when to obtain appropriate medical care.
  4. Be informed of health care sources available to teens in the local area, both via the family's resources and other public resources, and the legal right to confidential health care services for STDs and pregnancy.
  5. Be able to comfortably and intelligently discuss test results, diagnoses, and proposed treatments with parents/guardians, and health care providers.
Resource Materials

9/10 F.L.A.S.H., Family Planning Program, Seattle-King County, Dept. of Public Health, 1988, Lesson 29.

Health Skills for Wellness, Prentice-Hall, 2002, Chapter 24, p. 585, Chapter 8, pp. 190-191.

Non-gender specific and gender models, videos, and other BSE & TSE curricula from the American Cancer Society and Kaiser Permanente, demonstrating breast and testicular lumps.
E: Reproduction

E: Reproduction


The instructor will present a factual, substantiated discussion of reproduction which will develop the following concepts:
  1. The reproductive process involves both a male and female.
  2. Conception occurs when an egg from the female unites with a sperm from the male.
  3. A knowledge of prenatal development helps future parents understand how personal behavior affects the unborn child.
  4. The physical and psychological changes which occur during pregnancy affect both parents.
  5. The growth process begins at conception and proceeds through predictable stages throughout the life cycle.
  6. The early diagnosis of pregnancy and beginning prenatal care are extremely important.
  7. The early symptoms of pregnancy vary from person to person.
  8. There are several different types of pregnancy testing.

The student will:
  1. Be able to explain the process of conception.
  2. Be able to explain how multiple births occur.
  3. Understand the marvel of childbirth.
  4. Understand that some children are born with birth defects.
  5. Identify the stages of prenatal development and how internal and external factors affect fetal development.
  6. Understand that both males and females have a role in conception, pregnancy, and childbirth.
  7. Understand why knowledge and maturity are important skills for effective parenting, even before the birth of a child.
  8. Be able to identify changes during pregnancy for both the male and female parent, including physical, emotional, mental, and social.
  9. Be able to identify their rights to medical care for pregnancy.
Resource Materials:

Health Skills for Wellness, Prentice-Hall, 1994, pp. 195-206.

"The Miracle of Life/Life’s Greatest Miracle," PBS  Video.

Pregnancy Series Models, FISHER-EMD.

EMPATHY BELLY- worn by the student, this teaching tool simulates the weight and proportions of a third trimester pregnancy.
Video, “And Down Will Come Baby”, Ca State Department of Health.



The instructor will present a factual, substantiated discussion of HIV/AIDS which will develop the following concepts (as stated in current Education Code):

  1. HIV is the virus that causes AIDS, and the entire spectrum of the HIV infection should be examined.
  2. HIV destroys the body's ability to fight infection.
  3. Comprehensive information regarding the modes of transmission of HIV can help the student recognize high risk behaviors.
  4. Most modes of transmission of HIV are preventable.
  5. People's attitudes affect their behavior, including behaviors that put them at risk for AIDS.
  6. Societal views on AIDS, including stereotypes and myths regarding persons with AIDS.  This instruction shall emphasize compassion for persons with AIDS.

The student will be able to:
  1. Distinguish between the definitions of HIV and AIDS.
  2. Explain the effects on T-Helper lymphocytes and how this decreases the body's ability to fight infection.
  3. Identify the most current opportunistic infections to which people with AIDS are vulnerable.
  4. Identify most current drug therapies used in treating HIV/AIDS.
  5. Recognize that there is no cure - only drugs that slow the progress of the disease.
  6. Identify the ways in which HIV is spread:
    a) sexually through semen and vaginal secretions
    b) exposure to infected blood - needle sharing such as using IV drugs, steroids, blood transfusions, etc.
    c) mother to child via placenta, during delivery, breast feeding
    d) other means of exposure to blood may transmit HIV infection although this has been less common, to include: sharing common razors, accidental needle sticks, or other injuries in which blood is exchanged.
  7. Recognize that other body fluids carry HIV such as tears, saliva, and urine but in concentrations too low to infect other unless they are contaminated with blood.
  8. Recognize that casual contact with an infected person is safe.
  9. Describe the three ways HIV can affect the body:
    a) no symptoms
    b) symptoms of infection
    c) full-blown AIDS
  10. Recognize that the individual is contagious in all these (#9 above) stages.
  11. Recognize that behavior modification will prevent transmission, and the student can control his/her behavior.
  12. Recognize that abstinence until entering into a mutually monogamous, long-term relationship, such as marriage, will prevent sexual transmission of HIV.
  13. Recognize that outside of a mutually monogamous long term relationship between uninfected partners, any sexual encounter may transmit HIV: there is no safe sex!
  14. Identify ways to reduce the risk of transmission if not abstinent, such as:
    a) change behavior to become abstinent
    b) use latex condoms every time, recognizing that condoms can fail
    c) utilize up-to-date information regarding the relative merits of Nonoxynol-9 and other methods of prevention of HIV transmissions.
    d) limit sexual partners to one uninfected partner.  In order to determine if uninfected, both partners must wait six months while avoiding high risk behaviors and then be tested for HIV.
  15. Recognize that never using IV drugs, or not sharing needles will prevent HIV transmission.
  16. Recognize that anonymous testing can help prevent HIV transmission - six month window.
  17. Recognize that teens can become infected with HIV.
  18. Explain that denial is a common, but dangerous response to difficult issues, e.g., "It can't happen to me."
  19. Verbalize the importance/worth of maintaining or adapting behaviors that minimize the risk of giving or getting HIV.
  20. Identify public health issues associated with AIDS.
  21. Identify local resources for HIV testing and care.

Resource Materials

9/10 F.L.A.S.H., from Lesson 25, the following pages: p. 453; p.455; and p.456.

Teen-Aid Inc., "Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)," p.23; pp.24-25; pp.29-30.

"Taking Charge: You and AIDS," Placer County Office of Education.  Video

HIV/AIDS - Prevention Education Teachers Guide (1993)

San Diego County Office of Education

South Counties Healthy Kids Regional Centers

Riverside County Office of Education

RIMS Healthy Kids Regional Center

In Cooperation with:  California Department of Education

Placer County Health Department HIV Educators for presentation and providing HIV positive guest speakers.

"Secrets" presentation by Kaiser Permanente

“A Family Problem,” a short play from Acting It Out: 74 short plays for starting discussions with teenagers.

AIDS, Understanding & Prevention from the Merrill Wellness Series.  Classroom set.

Health Skills for Wellness, Prentice Hall 2002, and all supplemental material (text, teacher resource file, and transparencies).  This does not include the Prentice Hall Human Sexuality Textbook.

Contraceptive Technology 94-96.  Author: Robert A. Hatcher.

The Current Sexually Transmitted Diseases Treatment Guide from the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services.

All items from the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services and the Center for Disease Control.

Handouts from the Placer County Department of Health and Medical Services.  The statement, “Health care for teenagers, including care for teen pregnancy, sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), and contraception, is best provided with the approval and involvement of the family.  However, students need the knowledge to allow them to seek care on their own if they so desire,” should be placed prominently on each handout.

Preventing Sexually Related Disease.   Approved without price comparison shopping for condoms and the statement of page 106 regarding "AIDS can be fatal..."

Voluntary HIV Counseling and Testing:  Facts, Issues, and Answers.  CDC pamphlet.

Teens Stopping AIDS – curriculum.

Video, “It Won’t happen to Me” – Kaiser Permanente, video.

Video, “And The Band Played On”