- Academics
- Advanced Placement
- Career & Technical Education Pathways
- Health
- Language Arts
- Leadership
- Mathematics
- Physical Education
- Science
- Social Science
- Support Services
- Visual & Performing Arts
- World Languages
- Multi-Tiered System of Supports
Tier I Interventions
Academic Supports
Academic Supports
WHS Offerings
- Intervention
- Senior mentor
- Curriculum essential skills
- Standards-Evidence based instruction
- Research based instruction
- Cocoa and cram
- Schoology
- Intervention period
- A few extra minutes
- Goal setting
- Teacher office hours
- Parent and guardian resource night
Student Strategies
- Grade reporting checklist
- Study skills
- Learning styles-Learning inventories
- Study strategies
- Goal setting
- UDL strategies
Teacher Strategies
- Tutoring and extended office hours
- Communication with parents
- Mandatory reporting
- Student/parent meetings
- Parent/teacher meetings
- Schoology
- Intervention appointments
Behavioral Supports
Behavioral Supports
WHS Offerings
- Senior offering-positive referrals
- Rewards for perfect attendance
- Referral/detentions/saturday school
- Breaking down the walls
- Whitney unified movement and curriculum-school resource
- School Resources Officer
- Parent conference
- Every 15 minutes
Student Strategies
- Coping strategies
- Communicate with teachers
- Goal setting
- Seek trusted adult
Teacher Strategies
- Engaging activites
- Student centered activities
- Behavioral management system
- Seating changes
- Teacher/parent/student conference
- Mandated reporting
Social-Emotional Supports
Social-Emotional Supports
WHS Offerings
- Senior mentor
- NAMI club
- September suicide prevention week
- March mental health awareness week
- "R word" week
- Health class
- Whitney united lessons developed to connect students to campus
- Whitney united movements
- Curriculum-kindness lessons
- Mental awareness week
- Teacher/parent meetings
- Mandatory reporting
- Teacher training and strategies (KOGNITO)
- Breaking down the walls program
- Every 15 minutes
- Submitted, presented and approved suicide prevention board policy
- Staff presentation on student mental health and signs
- Immediate attention and suicide risk assessment provided as need arises on daily basis
- Mental health incorporated into freshman success classes
Student Strategies
- Anxiety checklist for classrooms
- Reflective listening
Teacher Strategies
- Student-centered activities-classroom
- Behavior expectations-documented
- Intervention meetings
- Counselor-Special Ed representative-teacher feedback
- Feedback