- Academics
- Advanced Placement
- Career & Technical Education Pathways
- Health
- Language Arts
- Leadership
- Mathematics
- Physical Education
- Science
- Social Science
- Support Services
- Visual & Performing Arts
- World Languages
- Multi-Tiered System of Supports
About the Corps
Kitty Hawk
The Kitty Hawk Air Society is a national AFJROTC academic honor society that recognizes academic and military achievement by cadets, provides additional leadership/educational opportunities, and encourages excellence. Members of KHAS, once inducted, will wear the KHAS badge on the uniform. KHAS members are also authorized to wear the KHAS shoulder cord.
- Honorary Member Requirements: Hold a GPA at 3.5+ and assume leadership positions in the corps as well as attend All Kitty Hawk Functions
- Active Member Requirements: Attend All Kitty Hawk Air Society Meetings, Hold a GPA of at least 3.3 or higher, and Display Leadership qualities
- Probationary Member Requirements: Hold at least 3.0 GPA and have participated in the Kitty Hawk Air Society as an Active member (Must be approved by the Kitty Hawk Commander to Tutor)
PT Test
The Air Force JROTC Physical Fitness Test (PFT) is a required test that takes place every semester. Although the scores do not contribute to a grade, the test helps to assess each cadet’s overall fitness level, so we can assist in them reaching their fitness goals throughout their years in ROTC.

The Air Force JROTC Physical Fitness Test (PFT) is a required test that takes place every semester. Although the scores do not contribute to a grade, the test helps to assess each cadet’s overall fitness level, so we can assist in them reaching their fitness goals throughout their years in ROTC.
The PFT consists of the following events: 1-mile run, 1 min of push-ups, and 1 min of sit-ups. **For information regarding the Service Academies PFT, please contact the SASI.
Orienteering is a team sport in which cadets compete using a map and a compass to navigate from point to point in unfamiliar terrain. Before the event, cadets learn how to properly use a compass and read a map. The program is funded by the corps and is a great team bonding opportunity. After completion of the event cadets are awarded with the Orienteering ribbon.
Drill meets 
In addition to regular classes, Whitney High School offers an ROTC Drill class in which only the elite of the corps are invited. Cadets tryout for the 5 different teams and are selected to perform at Titan and NorCal Drill competitions.

In addition to regular classes, Whitney High School offers an ROTC Drill class in which only the elite of the corps are invited. Cadets tryout for the 5 different teams and are selected to perform at Titan and NorCal Drill competitions.
Midnight Madness

Midnight madness is an annual event that takes place before every drill meet. After months of training the Drill class undergoes a 6-hour inspection (6pm-12am) conducted by former CA-954 cadets. Each team executes their respective drill card and exhibition routine and gets critiqued/prepared for their upcom
ing drill competition.
Color Guards

We offer multiple opportunities to participate in color guards within the cadet corps; each Color Guard offers a unique experience, ample training, and the ability to earn community service hours. Our color guards include: School Board, Baseball, Football, and Special Events. Training on Color Guard procedures are briefed and practiced several times before all events. Cadets are awarded the Color Guard ribbon after actively participating on a Color Guard team for a semester.
Hot Chili Cool Cars (HCCC)
HCCC is our largest annual community service event. Led by our Group Cadre, cadets spend the day helping vendors, picking up trash, stocking the restrooms, and spending time with the community. Event allows the cadets to share a unique experience, which ultimately builds camaraderie and esprit de corps. Additionally, this event offers cadets the opportunity to meet, mingle, and work with the entire cadet corps outside of the classroom.

HCCC is our largest annual community service event. Led by our Group Cadre, cadets spend the day helping vendors, picking up trash, stocking the restrooms, and spending time with the community. Event allows the cadets to share a unique experience, which ultimately builds camaraderie and esprit de corps. Additionally, this event offers cadets the opportunity to meet, mingle, and work with the entire cadet corps outside of the classroom.
Marksmanship is a program where cadets are taught how to properly handle and shoot air rifles. After taking a safety test, cadets drive out to the range on four separate dates to practice precision shooting from three different positions. This program is funded by the cadet corps and offers a unique learning experience. Cadets completing this course receive the Marksmanship ribbon.

Marksmanship is a program where cadets are taught how to properly handle and shoot air rifles. After taking a safety test, cadets drive out to the range on four separate dates to practice precision shooting from three different positions. This program is funded by the cadet corps and offers a unique learning experience. Cadets completing this course receive the Marksmanship ribbon.
Military Ball
Military Ball is our annual formal dinner and recognition ceremony. The night is spent recognizing cadets and their special achievements, national awards, and the presentation of our honor guard, flag folding team, and saber team. Presenters for national come from all over NorCal to honor our hard working cadets.
Military Ball is our annual formal dinner and recognition ceremony. The night is spent recognizing cadets and their special achievements, national awards, and the presentation of our honor guard, flag folding team, and saber team. Presenters for national come from all over NorCal to honor our hard working cadets.
Flag Folding Ceremony

The Flag Folding ceremony is an honorary event performed at our annual Military Ball to recognize and express our gratitude to those individuals who fought, and continue to fight for our freedom.The 5-person team learns what each fold represents and how to properly handle and carry the flag during the ceremony. The flag is placed at the POW MIA table, a tradition of setting a separate table in honor of our prisoners of war and missing comrades. The flag folding ceremony is a great experience and allows the cadets an extra opportunity to play a vital part during this prestigious event. Cadets are rewarded with the Flag Folding ribbon after completion of the ceremony.
Saber Team
The Saber team is a group of AS-2 and AS-3 cadets who present sabers for the Senior (AS-4) cadets as they promote for the last time during the annual Military Ball. The team commander teaches cadets how to properly unsheeth the saber and present the sabers. After completion of the ceremony, cadets receive the Saber Team ribbon.

Honor Guard
Honor Guard is a chance for our top AS-1’s to escort cadets' families to their tables and showcase what they have learned in their first semester in JROTC during the annual Military Ball. Cadets play an important role in showcasing CA-954’s AFJROTC program. Members of the Honor Guard are selected based on those who demonstrate qualities of dependability, good character and adherence to military discipline. The team commander teaches cadets how to properly address guests and seat them in an organized manner. The team is a great way for the SASI and ASI so observe those who possess individual characteristics of leadership.
NorCal Sports
AFJROTC offers many NorCal-funded sports including: futsal, bowling, basketball, volleyball, and softball. Cadets compete with units all over Northern California. After completion of a NorCal sport, cadets are awarded with the Activities ribbon.
Community Service
The Whitney High School AFJROTC Corps leads and participates in numerous community service events throughout the year. All cadets could easily complete their required community service hours their first year in high school! We average 2,200 hours of community service each year.
Recruiting Trips

Get involved with recruiting trips to local middle schools and inform recruits of the benefits of JROTC. This is a great way to get more people involved in the corps. Cadets are awarded with a recruiting ribbon after participating in two or more recruiting missions.
A national test of academic and leadership knowledge through a virtual platform. Teams consist of 4-6 people (4 primary and 2 alternates) that compete collaboratively to solve and answer problems in math, english, leadership, JROTC curriculum, and current events; JLAB is an excellent platform to help prepare for the SAT and ACT. Additionally, this is another opportunity to boost morale and esprit de corps, while competing and having a chance to win a paid trip to Washington D.C. for nationals.