- College & Career
Finding the Right College

The most critical thing to consider when looking at colleges is the match between college and student. Finding a college that offers a major you want is great, but chances are your interests and major will change before you graduate. Make sure the school is a good fit and feel for all of your needs, not just academic. Consider things like:
Can I get in to this school?
Can I afford to attend this school?
Do most students live on or off campus?How big (or small) are the classes?
What is the distance from home?
What is the weather like?
What sports and clubs are available?
The answer to these questions will be different for every student, so it is strongly advised that students make independent decisions and not be influenced by where their friends are applying. How to learn more:
Meet different Colleges at Lunch: Please check the College Admissions Rep Visits under the College Planning section
VOID RANKING WEBSITES and PUBLICATIONS. Their data can be SKEWED or MISLEADING and often their criteria are irrelevant to your specific needs and interests. Just because a publication thinks a school is great DOES NOT MEAN THAT IT IS GREAT FOR YOU. You get to determine that for yourself and create your own rankings!
Scoir (pronounced like "score") is our college and career research platform. Every Whitney High School student has an account and just needs to activate it through the invitation in their Rocklin USD email. If the invitation has expired, please email the College and Career Center to request a new one.
Scoir includes great college research and application tools that all students should explore!