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Contact Info
Contact Info
Attendance (Parents / Students)
Attendance (Parents / Students)
Students are expected to be in class on time daily to receive maximum benefits from the instructional program. School attendance is compulsory until the 18th birthday or graduation from high school. Attendance procedures must be followed even after the student’s 18th birthday. Students absent from school for any time (one period, one day, or many days) must verify the absence within 5 days. Parents/Guardians are asked to please use the as the preferred method of clearing absences. A phone call is also accepted if needed.
Preferred Method:
24-Hour Phone Reporting
(916) 632-6500 ext. 6485
School Attendance Office:
(916) 632-6500 ext. 6409
- WHS and RUSD utilize the auto-dialer feature to notify parents that a student is absent.
- The auto dialer goes out each morning, two hours into the school day. We welcome communication to clear the absence or to find your student right away. Please use the above form, or call us as soon as possible.
- The Rocklin Unified School District authorizes certain absences to be classified as “excused” if they are for the following reasons:
- Illness or injury or having medical, mental health or dental services rendered.
- Quarantine/Isolation under the direction of a County or City Health Officer.
- Funeral/memorial service and/or bereavement.
- Court Appearance or Religious Holidays.
- College Visits by a Junior or Senior with documentation.
- NOTE: Using “personal” is not an excused absence. Clearing absences FAQs
- Unexcused absences totaling more than (3) will trigger Truancy Documentation as outlined in the California Education Code. Truancy Letters will be mailed after (3), (6), (9), and up. Student Attendance Review Team (SART) Meetings will be organized after (9) unexcused absences, and students are subject at that time to an attendance contract and county Student Attendance Review Board (SARB) action.
TARDY POLICY (Updated August 2022)
- A Tardy (T) is marked in attendance by the teacher if a student is late to class, entering the classroom unexcused once the class period has started.
- Each teacher may have class-specific consequences for unexcused tardies outlined in the teacher’s syllabus.
- Schoolwide, the accumulation of 5 Tardies in Aeries during the school year will result in one detention being issued by discipline techs. Discipline techs will also email parents.
- Schoolwide, the accumulation of 5 additional Tardies (10-total) during the school year will result in two more detentions assigned and further intervening actions involving parents, counselors, and administrators to correct the behavior of being chronically late to class.
- Whitney High School is a closed campus. Guests are not permitted.
- Parents, pre-scheduled guest speakers, or military guests must sign in at the WHS reception desk.
- Permission to leave campus must be communicated by the absence reporting form, written note, phone call, or personal appearance by the parent/guardian 30 minutes before the student leaves campus.
- Parent’s Responsibility: to include on the form, note, or call: Student’s first & last name. / Date, time, and reason the student is leaving. / Your signature and daytime phone number.
- Student’s Responsibility: If you have a note, bring the note to the attendance window before school, break, or lunch for a check-out slip. / Show the check-out slip to the teacher at the beginning of class and watch the clock to leave on time. / Agree with parent/guardian on a place to be picked up. / Students MUST check-in at the attendance window upon late arrival or return to campus any time after 8:45 a.m. and before 3:40 p.m. / Students who leave campus without properly checking out at the attendance office will be assigned detention. / A forged note or call will result in disciplinary action.
INDEPENDENT STUDY (Pre-Arranged Absences / COVID Isolations)
- Students who will be out between 3 to 15 consecutive days need to contact the school attendance office.
- Students will be placed on an Independent Study Contract, allowing us to excuse the absences and reclaim ADA money from the state.
- The contracts require work to be completed during the absence and be submitted by the day you return to school. Allowances will be considered for illness recovery. The student is responsible for logging in, completeing and submitting the Schoology assignements for each class, as they are due each day.
- On the day your student returns to school, they must check in at the attendance office before returnning to class. There they will be given a teacher signature page to finalize their attendance.
- A photocopied sample of work from each core class is due to be turned in to the attendance office.
- For excused absences due to long-term emergency/medical needs, families can apply for Home Hospital Instruction. Please inquire through your student's counselor if you foresee an extended absence due to a medical need for 4 weeks to 6 weeks.
- The absence period requires a medical note.
Attendance Matters Video
Attendance Matters Video
Created by the WHS Broadcast Department for the Rocklin Unified
School District and shown on Back to School Night