- Welcome

- Only Juniors and Seniors with WHS parking permits are allowed to park in the student parking lots. NO SOPHOMORES are allowed to park on-campus in ANY parking lot.
- Students must display a current, valid WHS parking permit in their vehicle. (Due to the number of parking spaces on campus, there are a limited number of parking permits available.) Due to various activities on campus, parking is not guaranteed on or around campus. There is additional parking at the park. There are 2 separate lots that are accessible to students with or without parking permits (please see below). Permits are issued at Check In Days in August.
- Cars parked without a valid permit are subject to a Rocklin PD parking citation. Rocklin PD does not give warnings to cars parked without a permit. You will receive a ticket.
- Students with a valid WHS parking permit who park in Staff parking or not their assigned parking spot/lot will be subject to Rocklin PD parking citation and/or discipline including but not limited to:
- Two hours detention.
- Parking permit taken away and loss of privilege to park on campus.
- If a Junior, Senior parking lot eligibility revoked.
- Speed limit in parking lot is 5 mph.
- Students must park their cars immediately upon arrival. Once parked, students must leave the parking lot. Loitering in the parking lot is not permitted.
- WHS campus is closed and students may not leave the parking lot until the end of the school day or unless permission is obtained.
- The parking lot is off limits and cars may not be visited during the day (including lunch periods) without special permission from the administration.
- “Cruising” around the parking lot before or after school is not permitted.
- Any driver found to be driving in a negligent or erratic manner on or about school property may be cited by the Rocklin Police Department and school driving and parking privileges suspended.
- Loud stereos and car radios are not allowed on school grounds.
- WHS parking permits are non-transferable. Any student caught giving or receiving a parking permit from another student or letting another student use their permit or parking spot, will have their parking permit revoked and all parties involved will not be eligible to purchase a parking permit in the future.
- Parents delivering students to school should drive into student parking lot and use the designated areas for drop off and pick up. Do not leave cars parked unattended in this area.
- Parents delivering students to school should not stop, park or leave their car standing, whether attended or unattended, at any red curb designated as a fire lane or they may be cited by Rocklin Police Department.
For sophomores and any junior or senior without an on-campus parking permit there are a few options for off-campus parking:
- The Rocklin Pony Field lot off of Wildcat Boulevard. (1900 Wildcat Blvd, Rocklin)
- The Whitney Park lot off of Whitney Ranch Parkway. (1801 Whitney Ranch Pkwy, Rocklin)
Please see the map below for reference.
***Note: It is illegal for anyone without a permit from the neighborhood association to park north of campus in the Abilene Circle residences. Please notice the signpost notifications and do not park in that area; as any unauthorized car will be ticketed.