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welcome to the home of the whs "wildcats"
united states Air force junior reserve training corps
welcome to the home of the whs "wildcats" united states Air force junior reserve training corps
Whitney High School is located in Rocklin, California. The city of Rocklin is a growing community and is located 20 minutes north of Sacramento. In this site you will learn about the many benefits that JROTC can provide. You will also learn about the CA-954 Cadet Group, curriculum, and co-curricular activities. Our Cadet Corps is built on the Core Values of the United States Air Force: Integrity First, Service Before Self and Excellence in All We Do.
JROTC utilizes an in-house tutoring program to provide effective peer tutoring. The unit has a yearly goal to reduce the number of overall "No Marks" received for all courses; this gaol is measured and tracked affter all grading periods. Senior cadets who have completed various AP and Honors courses are assigned tutor duties through a cadet education officer and conduct tutoring during intervention or after school.
Mission Statement
The mission of the Rocklin Unified School District's Air Force Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps (JROTC) at Whitney High School is to create citizens of character dedicated to serving their community. As the fourth unit established in the State of California in 1995, the program strives to create quality individuals with military discipline as well as strong leadership skills. The CA-954 is a military-style organization that is managed by high school students and, through this structure, cadets learn leadership and organizational skills that will serve them well throughout their lives.
The CA-954 AFJROTC Unit is a military structured program that strives to ensure the development of academic potential while providing an education that meets all graduation and college entrance requirements.
The instructors create a safe and inclusive environment for all students within JROTC where cadets can grow in a place where they feel they belong, can excel, and are rewarded.
Extracurricular activities and student leadership positions develop cadets’ confidence which is necessary for leadership, responsibility, and self-discipline. These skills follow cadets beyond high school graduation and throughout their careers.
*Enrollment in AFJROTC does not subject your student to any military obligation and is not tied to recruiting or accessions programs.
Academics are a priority in the AFJROTC program. Courses are open to any student. There are three parts to the curriculum: academics, leadership, and health/fitness. Classroom time is divided into academics and leadership with one class period each week dedicated to physical fitness. Additionally, there is an optional Cadet Leadership Course (CLC) during Summer and Drill only class.
Aerospace Science I is an introduction to AFJROTC designed to acquaint the student with:
- Historical development of aviation and flight
- Air Force Customs and Courtesies
- Stress / Time management
- Basic military drill
Aerospace Science II is a science course intended to acquaint students with:
- Challenges of space exploration and manned space flight
- Effective communication
- Group and team cooperation
- Notetaking and study strategies
Aerospace Science III is reinforces the education from previous years and introduces:
- Cultural developments throughout the global community
- Leadership skills including management, citizenship, and ethics
- Life skills such as how to budget, file taxes, and career planning
Aerospace Science IV is limited to JROTC cadets in their senior year (who have had the previous three years of experience) with an emphasis on leadership and management concepts/techniques. The course integrates and applies all previous instruction to the operation of the cadet corps and event planning for the unit.
Drill is limited to JROTC cadets who have already completed a full year in the program. The course is creditable towards one year of Physical Education credit and consists of an Armed Team, Unarmed Team, Color Guard, and Exhibition Teams. Cadets in this class can anticipate being chosen to represent the School and the CA-954 at the Titan and NorCal drill competitions.
Extracurricular Activities
The CA-954 offers a number of different extracurricular activities for cadets to participate in depending on individual interests. If cadets are interested in establishing a new extracurricular activity for the unit, there are procedures in place, including:
- Marksmanship Team
- Kitty Hawk Honor Society
- Model Rocketry Program
- Robotics Team
- Remote Control Aircraft Team
- Archery Program
- Saber Team
- Awareness Presentation Team (APT)
- Honor Guard
- Color Guard
- Competitive Drill*
Unique AFJROTC Opportunities
Flight Academy is an Air Force funded scholarship for AFJROTC cadets to attend private pilot training at public/private universities. Applicants must be current sophomore, junior, or senior AFJROTC cadets. There is no military service commitment or obligation, nor does program completion justify acceptance to military service.
Additional information can be found at: https://www.airuniversity.af.edu/Holm-Center/AFJROTC/Display/Article/3154508/flight-academy/
JROTC is a leadership and citizenship-based program, therefore it is looked favorably upon for any cadet interested in applying for a ROTC scholarship at a four-year institution.
Students who actively participate in JROTC may be able to obtain a nomination to the military service academies from the CA-954. The ability and number of nominations varies year-to-year, so please contact the Senior Aerospace Instructor (SASI) for additional details.
An appointment (scholarship) to the United States Air Force Academy is valued at more than $416,000.
If a student takes a minimum of three years of AFJROTC and decides to enlist in the US Armed Forces, they will be promoted to E-3 after boot camp in the Navy or Air Force. The Marines Corps and Army will award E-2.
Enrollment Procedures for the ROTC Program
Current RUSD students:
- If your child is already enrolled at a RUSD school, please have them see their middle school counselor to sign up for the program.
- Students can enroll in ROTC if you attend Rocklin High School or Whitney High School.
Prospective RUSD students:
- If your child is NOT already enrolled at an RUSD school, please complete an Interdistrict Permit Application. The Interdistrict Permit will allow your student to transfer from their school of residence to Whitney High School. Interdistrict Permits must be approved by both districts in order to allow your student to enroll at Whitney High School.
- RUSD's JROTC at Whitney High School is the only school in Placer County that offers this type of program, therefore an interdistrict transfer is typically approved.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Will I be required to wear a uniform?
The Air Force uniform is worn one day a week. All uniforms are provided on loan. The program provides all necessary alterations. Students are required to clean them, as necessary.
I want to take AFJROTC but don’t want to cut my hair. Can I still take the class?
Boys’ hair must be kept within Air Force standards. This means it cannot touch the ears. Girls’ hair does not need to be cut, but it cannot extend below the bottom of the collar. Girls have the option of putting their hair in a bun, braids, or ponytail.
Will I have to serve in the military after taking AFJROTC?
There is NO military obligation for AFJROTC students. The Rocklin Unified School District (RUSD) does not provide student names to military recruiters.
How much homework is assigned in AFJROTC?
Homework is extremely rare in AFJROTC. Assignments are completed in class so students can work as a team and receive assistance from the instructors. Plus, homework is limited so students can focus on completing assignments in their core classes.
What is the physical training like in AFJROTC?
Physical training (PT) typically takes place on Fridays. Students participate in running/walking, push-ups, sit-ups, team-building sports/activities (kick ball, basketball, etc.), and other exercises. The workouts are self-paced, but students are encouraged to push themselves physically to achieve greater levels of fitness.
What type of career(s) will AFJROTC prepare me for?
AFJROTC is a leadership development program that will prepare a student for almost any career option. The program covers lessons, including college preparation, the college admission process, and financing option discussions through direct instruction and/or guest speakers.
Can I take AFJROTC and participate in extra-curricular activities?
Yes. There are many students who take AFJROTC while participating in athletics, band, student government, etc. AFJROTC students are encouraged to participate in school activities.
What type of after school activities does Air Force Junior ROTC offer?
All activities that take place outside normal school hours are voluntary. The program’s Military Ball is a formal dinner and awards presentation that is open only to JROTC students and their families. The Ball is held in January.
Students can also volunteer to participate on the program’s drill team, color guards, air rifle, model rocketry, Kitty Hawk Honor Society, or Joint Leadership and Academic Bowl. Color guard performances are almost always after school hours, such as for football and basketball games. Clubs typically meet after school in the JROTC classroom. Cadet leaders frequently hold planning meetings after school or during lunch.
Are there field trips?
Yes. There are generally one- to two-day field trips each school year. Additionally, the program also travels to color guard, drill competitions, PT competitions, and to local RUSD elementary and middle schools several times each year.
How do you discipline students in AFJROTC?
The program uses positive reinforcement for positive behaviors. These include formal and informal incentives beyond what is provided through the school. Students can earn ribbons that are worn on the uniform for good attendance, academic excellence, proper uniform wear, participation in activities, good conduct, and many others. Students will also receive promotions in rank and increased responsibility as rewards for positive behaviors. Students in good standing academically and behaviorally will be allowed to participate in extracurricular activities. There are negative consequences for negative behaviors which may include communication with parents and discipline referrals to school administrators.
Is physical punishment like push-ups or standing at attention for long periods used in AFJROTC?
No. Air Force policy forbids instructors and cadet leaders from using physical discipline. The RUSD AFJROTC is not a disciplinary or rehabilitation program. Hazing is also strictly forbidden. AFJROTC is not “Boot Camp” or basic training.
Do AFJROTC students gain an advantage for admission to the various service academies, college Air Force ROTC scholarships, or enlistment in the military?
Students who meet the academic, physical, and character requirements have a far better chance for admission to the service academies and Air Force college ROTC scholarships when compared to their peers who are not in AFJROTC. Students who enlist generally are promoted following basic training and earn about $500 more per month.
I’m very interested in AFJROTC. Is there an activity fee?
No, there is no activity fee.
What are the standards and goals for the students?
Students are expected to strive to excel as scholars, leaders, and citizens while working together to help make their fellow students and the AFJROTC program successful. Positive reinforcement incentives are provided for goal accomplishment.